Wednesday, November 20, 2013

BronsHolm Syndrome

When someone has you held hostage, eventually you feel for the hostage takers.

To this end, <Red Dawn> has engaged a <Charles Bronson> division within their ranks. Our members are encouraged to suck less and try to help <Red Dawn> PvP when they feel ready and up to it; you may tag between guilds as you see fit. Really. It's fine. No one gives a flip -- see the  >>Guild Charter<< if you have any questions.

Below is an approximation of <Charles Bronson>'s entry into the Red 99 server, as explained by Peter Horton in the Hit Cult Classic, Children of the Corn I: Corning Day

Below are some instructions from GM Floozy that will help you build finger strength for PVP.

Here, <Red Dawn>'s connection to Communism is clarified or made incomprehensible depending on what you're smoking.